Controversical Analysis Of President Obama's 'Where's Waldo'?

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In recent years, President Obama and the way he handles things has become a very controversial topic. In the article “Obama’s ‘Where’s Waldo?’ Presidency” Ruth Marcus describes that controversy, in which she gives her opinion of President Obama. Marcus begins by discussing how in Barack Obama’s campaign he talked about “change we can believe in”, but she later tells the reader that he has “been missing in action” (Marcus, Paragraph 1). Throughout the article, she tells of numerous issues that Obama seemed to be missing on, and presents the reader with the question, where is President Obama? President Obama is always missing and late to weigh in on current issues, or at least that is Ruth Marcus’s central claim. She argues that Obama seems to …show more content…

A great example is when Marcus tells that Obama “did not want to say anything too tough about Libya for fear of endangering Americans trapped there” (Marcus, Paragraph 3). This is a great example because this is an issue that stirs up the emotions of many individuals living in America. It seems that Marcus tries to make the audience sympathetic towards her whenever she says, “I was unfair to Goolsbee because I asked him a question he didn’t have the leeway to answer” (Marcus, Paragraph 14). Another great aspect of pathos in her article is in paragraph fourteen where she uses vivid language such as; ‘ducking’ and ‘when the boss fudges’. Marcus certainly succeeds at using pathos to appeal to her audience, but there are too many facts and credibility missing in the article. She made some very strong points, but with the lack of facts to back up her claims, the article is weak. As a writer, Marcus did well moving the audience to agree with her, but she was entirely too opinionated. Overall this article was interesting and can be believed to be true to an extent because it is easy to convince and be convinced if someone speaks with enough authority or enthusiasm, but one must be interested in the

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