Reflection Essay

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Throughout the semester i only learned few new things but i did improve and solidify my skill of writing. Before my first year of college my skills have always undermined by other high school english teachers and with that came disappointing grades. I am writing this paper as a reflection of the semester and the progress i have made as a writer. I now understand many things that my high school teachers have done a poor job demonstrating and i am grateful that i decided to take my own route in my education instead of their syllabus. I entered the semester with anxiety that i would perform as i did before but i clearly outdid my own expectations by receiving top grades on my essays. The classes first major writing assignment was simple for the most part in which we were given a clear cut path on what to do. The objective was to analyze an article from a book and explain to the audience of what it was about. I chose the article “Land Of The Giants” by Alex Tizon because the story resonated with me because i am also an immigrant like Alex and many of his experiences i went through as well. The only minor trouble that was presented was the word count and personally i am someone who likes to get straight to the point but with this essay i had to expand and explain my perception of the article. …show more content…

Like in the first essay i had to use the skill of expand and explain without changing any facts of the source. In this essay i had a lot of help from my background knowledge as a student that hopes to pursue in a career in politics i understand the majority of why the candidates did what they did. I believe that the analyzing portion of the essay was much more difficult than the first one because there is so much more aspects to be aware of like lighting and tone of

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