The Challenges Of Solude And Silence Meaned By Peter Scazzero

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Solitude and Silence According to Dallas Willard two of the most important spiritual disciplines are solitude and silence. They are both disciplines of abstinence. They both make space in one so that God can work deeply within one and through us in relationships with others (Gaultiere, 2005). Silence described by Peter Scazzero is, “practice of quieting every inner and outer voice to attend to God. In silence, we quiet our thoughts, desires, and worries and focus on God’s voice.” (About Silence, 2014). The easiest way to practice solitude and silence is set apart some time in a quiet room or some other quiet place, like a walk in the woods or by a pond making sure your phone, IPod or IPad are turned off. The major point is to do nothing and …show more content…

The time He spent alone with God prepared him, strengthened Him for the testing of Satan which came at the end of the forty days and for His public ministry. He was focused and prepared by God, the Scriptures and the ministering of the Angels. Often during His public ministry He would go off alone to pray and be near God, He would rise early in the morning and leave the crowds behind to seek the Father alone. It was during time alone like this He would listen to the still quiet voice of the Father and learn. It was during time like this that He chose His disciples, whom He taught this prayer practice as in Mark 6:31-32 “come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.”
Paul also gives one an examples of using solitude and silence. After his conversion he prayed and fasted alone for three days. And then again after Ananias left him he went into the Arabian Desert for three years to be taught by Jesus. We see this in Galatians 1:15-16. Solitude forces us to face everything about us head on without barrier or distraction. Without it things in our lives that truly need work can go unnoticed and ignored. When alone, that is when we notice God’s presence with us (Mahoney, …show more content…

They have more options than ever to air their “dirty laundry” for the world to see. Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, YouTube, blogs and a myriad of other social websites beg the question “what’s going on in YOUR life now?” People stream their most intimate details online most of which should be private and just a few years ago would have been.
The spiritual discipline of secrecy is about keeping some of our actions personal and private. This action is to help develop trustworthiness. And it acts against spiritual pride. In the Bible Jesus highlight three things in the Sermon on the Mount that requires secrecy: giving, prayer and fasting (Matthew 5-7). The gist of it is not to let others know our good deeds so that they think well of us. In other words one should not be a ‘show-off’. Not everything should be shared so that it is ‘liked’ on Facebook (Tang,

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