Death And Death In Hamlet

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Comparison of the Analysis of Characterization Through The Theme of Death in Hamlet

Presentation of main themes can alter the audience’s perspective on characters. In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet and Franco Zeffirelli’s movie version of Hamlet there are apparent differences between the presentation of the theme death. A key difference between the play and the movie is how each medium showcased the character’s deaths. In turn, this changes the audience 's point of view of the characters and their traits. The differences between the execution of the deaths in the well known play Hamlet and Franco Zeffirelli’s cinematic interpretation of Hamlet are through the portrayal of Hamlet (I)’s death and funeral, the hysterical grieving of the Queen and Ophelia, as well as the perspective on the death of the royal couple …show more content…

In the opening scene of the movie, the Queen is hysterically crying at Hamlet (I)’s funeral. As a result, this scene adds an impression of sadness and grief not exhibited in the play. In the play, Shakespeare consistently characterizes women as impulsive, simple minded and under the control of male figures. Moreover, Gertrude is very cold hearted and is insensitive to her husband 's death. When she witnesses a situation that causes her concern, she refuses to hold strong in her opinion of the current matter(kinda Awk). For example, when Polonius accused Hamlet (II) of stalking Ophelia, the audience can see the Queen’s lack of backbone. Gertrude 's response to this accusation is, “I doubt it is no other than the main, his father’s death and o’er-hasty marriage” (Shakespeare Act II, scene ii. 56-57). Similarly, Shakespeare adds to this recurring personality trait when Gertrude weds Claudius, Hamlet (I)’s brother. Both in the movie and the play, Gertrude appears to get over her husband’s death relatively fast and goes back to being her promiscuous

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