Rita Wong's Writing Around The Existence

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In Rita Wong’s poem “Write around the absence,” it showcases the importance of having the courage to stick to one’s own cultural interpretations despite living in a country where your culture and or values are considered a minority. With the narrator being of a Chinese descent living in an English majority, she describes and questions the dominant nature English has over her thoughts, expressions, and life; despite being equally bilingual. Expressing the anxiety and oppression she feels about having the “tones” (Wong 8) she wishes to express be “steamrolle[d]” (13) and marginalized to the corner by the powers of the English linguistic. Therefore, she finds the determination to try to fight back this dominance in unique ways, not allowing herself …show more content…

As the title suggests, “write around the absence,” the English words are physically written around the Chinese language in the corner; forming an S shape around the narrator of the poem’s innermost feelings within. Showing inequality; for her mother tongue is deliberately marginalized in the corner, not alongside the rest of the words. The narrator claims to be “half-submerged” (14) in the sea of her mother tongue, giving it an ominous symbol of drowning and struggle. The dominant pressure the English language places on her, makes for a struggling battle between the two languages; competing for her Chinese to not engulfed and drowned out. With the language being submerged, we are not able to hear or understand what is trying to be said, and if it were to be drowned for too long, it might just simply die; becoming a dead language, similar to other languages that have died before in the past. The dominant presence of the English language works to effectively “assimilat...[e]”(15) and “trample” (16) the minor language, making her mother language insignificant in comparison. While physically “flatten[ing]” (12) the words by “trampl[ing]” (16) on them, forcing them to submit. In the eyes of the narrator, language is a means of communication but it is also a means of domination, for it forces an array of expressions and …show more content…

By juxtaposing both the English and Mandarin language, Wong is effectively showcasing and questioning the institutional dominance the English language may possesses over both worldwide linguistics as well as individual’s freedom of expression; Stating we may need to break free from the constraining borders English may pose on an individual, and instead write or speak in any way we wish in hopes of effectively getting our point across. The narrator wants herself and others to break free from the strict dominant borders, empowering others to live a life filled with full freedom of expression regardless of one’s style of writing or minority

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