Characterism In Carver's The Cathedral By Raymond Carver

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Raymond Carver’s “The Cathedral” is a simple short story, which expresses to the reader that not all who are physically blind cannot truly see. There are many cases in this story where Robert, the blind man shows how the husband, who is also the narrator, a new way of appreciating life. The narrator is not only being superficial and ignorant, but not being able to see what is beyond the physical eye. Mr. Carver writes the story in the first person point of view, allowing the reader to see from the narrator perspective on life, and comes across as a self-absorb man, who has a negative attitude. We do not know if this ignorance is because he has a closed mind, or if he is in fact, a part of his personality, because he applies his logic of thinking …show more content…

When Robert asked if the narrator was religious, he confirmed that he was not “I guess I don’t believe in it. In anything. Sometimes it’s hard. You know what I am saying?” (Carver, XXX) It is then that Robert asked the narrator if he could draw a cathedral for him. With the guidance of Roberts hand and encouragement “terrific, you’re doing fine”, he begins. It starts off as a simple box, but the more the narrator draws, the more it begins to look like his own house. The reader can start to sense there is a change beginning to take place “Never thought anything like this could happen in your lifetime, did you bub? Well, it’s a strange life, we all know that. Go on now. Keep it up” (Carver, XXX). He was so overcome with emotion, that when he wife awoke and asked what was going on, he was not able to answer her. He continued to draw, with the encouragement of Robert. At the end of the drawing he was truly amazed at what he drew. When Robert asked him if he seen what he drew, he said “It’s really something”. (Carver, XXX) For the first time, the narrator was able to see with his eyes still closed, what he had in live, as if he had a coming to Christ moment, with him sitting in his cathedral, which was used to be closer to God. It was a freeing moment “But I didn’t feel like I was inside anything”. (Carver,

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