Analysis of Patient Education Material

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There has been a significant increase in the interest of health literacy as a field of study. Recent research indicates that low levels of health literacy are prevalent in the general population, in Western countries. People with inadequacy in comprehending health information materials may find it difficult to make good use of such materials. As a result, more weight is needed on the health literacy by conducting vigorous research on the area to improve health care provision to the growing community. The study analyses patient education materials about reading level among the public.
Reading level of patient education materials
People who have access to health care systems at different locations are often given patient education materials (PEMs) pertaining to their conditions or treatment needed. The consumers are required to comprehend the information well before using them. This will ensure that the materials are used more efficiently towards providing appropriate health care services. Reading level determines how one is capable of understanding the words irrespective of the sentence length. While finding out the reading level of PEM, various tools can be used which include the SMOG (Statistical Measure of Gobbledygook)? In this case, analysis of a sentence and words are done to establish how hard they are in the text. For this study, SMOG has been chosen to determine the reading level in PEMs.
According to Freda (2006), Statistical Measure of Gobbledygook is among the simplest methods, which can be used to determine the reading level of any written material. Several calculations are performed without using computer programs. A sample of sentences is obtained from the start, middle, and end of the text. After w...

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...e minutes according to Davis et al. (2008), while it takes 5 to 6 minutes (Doak, Doak & Root, 2001).
In conclusion, reading level of individuals in any given population is paramount to understanding the content of patient education materials. Other demographic factors need also be put into consideration to ensure efficient and effective provision of PEMs. When developing patient education materials much care must be considered or else the material will become of no use to the target audience.

Works Cited

Davis T.C, Long S.W, Jackson R.H, et al. (2008).Rapid estimate of adult literacy in medicine: a shortened screening instrument. Fam Med. 25:391–395.
Doak L, Doak C.C, Root J.H. (2001).Teaching Patients With Low Literacy Skills. London: Dorling Kindersley.
Freda M.C. (2006). Defining and measuring health literacy, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.

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