Class Symbolism In The Garden Party

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Class Examination: Katherine Mansfield’s “The Garden Party”
There are many things that separate people. Some divisions come from obvious characteristics, including age, race, and gender. However, others have less to do with appearance and more to do with history and status. Class divisions have been an issue throughout history and continue to isolate groups today. Although the class differences change throughout time, their presence has a defining influence on society as a whole. This idea is examined in a variety of ways throughout a multitude of literary works spanning history. In “The Garden Party,” Katherine Mansfield uses irony, symbolism, and diction to critique the class system in post-WWI New Zealand using the initiation journey …show more content…

Roses are present in the garden, as they are “the only flowers that impress people” (Mansfield 2581). Mrs. Sheridan orders so many lilies that Laura think it must be a mistake, saying “nobody ever ordered so many” (Mansfield 2584). Satterfield says, “the flower imagery throughout the story serves to keep the reader reminded of the delicacy of Laura’s world. The flowers are splendid, beautiful, and-what is not stated- short-lived.” He goes on to say that Laura “can see only the beauty and not the dying of the flower, and she cannot see that, in many ways, she is very much like a flower herself.” The delicate life of the Sheridan’s is one that must come to an end. It is beautiful like the flowers, but also like the flowers, it will eventually die. As Darrohn puts it, “the Sheridans operate under the illusion that their easy life is natural… rather than produced through others’ labor.” This idea too can be illustrated by the flowers in the story. The roses that fill the gardens are the work of the gardeners who have “been up since dawn” (Mansfield 2581). It seems to Laura that “hundreds, yes, literally hundreds [of roses] had come out in a single night… as though visited by archangels” (Mansfield 2581). The reader can see through the flowers that the Sheridans have a rose-colored view of how their lifestyle

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