Analysis Of George Washington's Rules Of Civility And Decent Behaviors

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To all humans, the most important and influential thing is arguably your own morals. It decides the things you do, the things you say, and controls your overall desires and goals. Morals come from many places, such as nature versus nurture. Many of your morals come from your parents, be it because you learned what they taught, good or bad, or dislike what they taught so you chose the opposite, the rest is already consciously and basically instinctual. This is a very simple way to explain something very complex. In Appendix A, George Washington’s “Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation” there is a list of basic morals and behaviors that he believes everyone should be aware of and it is a very interesting read, especially if some of them you may have never considered. While the list can be outdated at times because of the progression of society and culture, a lot of these rules are still very important. In appendix B, there are a list of ‘cognitive bias’ or things that happen subconsciously that effect the way we view things or act. These two sets of information offer a very interesting perspective, especially when applied to each other. From these lists, I have picked a total of 15 rules that I believe to be the most important in becoming a self-aware individual who is …show more content…

While I prefer kinder wording, it is impossible to become something you want without practice. Due to the “band wagon effect” we are especially susceptible to these things happening especially if we are unware or surrounded by people doing the same, naturally we want to fit in. To avoid doing this in a negative way, it would be a good idea to follow rule 56, in which Washington states that it is better to be alone than in bad company. If you are surrounded by good people good things will happen both physically and

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