Analysis Of Ellen Ruppel Shell's Themes In Praise Of Boredom

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Parents Expectations
In the essay In Praise of Boredom, Ellen Ruppel Shell states that allowing children get bored gives them the access to become creative. As she was studying this statement, she began to realize that not many parents leave their kids with boredom, on the other hand they always have their schedules set for them. Shell supports her statement by putting some of the fault on marketing. She states that marketing manipulates many parents by advertising many products and activities, making parents believe that it 's the only way their kids will become "successful" and "productive adults." She states that all the advertisements make parents worry that their children may be "wasting time" and/or "missing opportunities."
Shell decides to test her statement by putting her, eight year old, daughter in a backyard with nothing specific to do. Shell notices that in the moments of frustration, her daughter began to explore different ways in she could entertain herself. She realized that children need to fail at times, in order for them to …show more content…

Failure to me was the position I was stuck in as a little girl, my family was stuck with little resources and stayed in the same neighborhood. In order for my expectations of my life to be where they are at now, they required me to live with that failure.
My mother didn’t have a perfect schedule set up for us, but she had certain expectations for me and my siblings. She expected us to go to school, and come back home. Unlike Shell 's neighborhood, we couldn’t have kids just playing outside because you never knew what was going on in the streets. We didn’t have the back and front yard available to us, but me and my siblings will find ways in which to keep ourselves entertained. We did become creative, but also coming from a lower class community there was always one sibling that was always doing more thinking than the

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