Intelligence In Carolol Dnuck's 'Brainology' By Carol Dweck

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In Carol Dweck’s article titled, “Brainology” Dweck discusses the different mindsets that students have about intelligence. Some where taught that each person had a set amount of intelligence, while others were trained that intelligence is something they could develop and increase over time. in Dweck’s article she writes, “ It is a belief that intelligence can be developed that opens students to a love of learning, a belief in the power of effort and constrictive, determined reactions to setbacks” (Dweck pg. 2). Dweck is talking about a growth mind-set in which is how students perceive the growth of knowledge and that no one person is born with a certain amount of intelligence, it too can be trained and developed over time. By introducing Dweck’s ideas of a growth mind-set to students, students will enjoy learning and be less devastated by setbacks, because they know they can develop intelligence. Dweck also writes that students with a growth mind-set, “believe that intelligence is something that can be cultivated through effort and education. They …show more content…

In this article Emily Hanford is taking information from Angela Duckworth’s findings on the research of ‘grit’. Hanford quotes Angela Duckworth definition of ‘grit’ as , “‘sticking with things over the very long term until you master them.’” (qtd. in E. Hanford 1). Hanford also quotes Duckworth’s article to then explain that the, “‘ gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina.’” (qtd. in E. Hanford 1). Hanford is thus explaining that grit is like perseverance; that a person who works hard can achieve as much as a person who has intelligence. By explaining to students that achieving in school is not just intelligence but also grit as well, it can make students realize that if they persevere in their studies they can make achievements just as a person with more

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