The Psychoanalytic Theory And Sigmund Freud's Humanistic Theory

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In daily basis of an individual life can relate to psychology based on how we conduct ourselves along with others by interacting in a social environment and be able to comprehend the behaviors of others and how they act in a certain way. On the other hand, how we think cognitively by interpreting and using our own personal beliefs and thoughts in our own unique perspective towards one another. The Psychoanalytic theory was created by Sigmund Freud, who believes a developed human mind is unconscious which means we are not fully aware of our own mental processes such as desires, motives and memories that cannot be available to one’s awareness. On the other hand, the id can relate to the unconscious level because it only desires what feels good …show more content…

A humanistic psychologist name Carl Rogers who proposed a person-centered theory, a theory that explicate of how a person is able to feel comfortable in their own skin by accepting their beliefs, thoughts and feelings that is relevant to self-concept which makes up the importance of personality .The self-concept has two relevant terms such as congruence and incongruence. Congruence implies to a person who is comfortable and agrees with themselves such as having a high self esteem. For instance, a parent who demonstrates unconditional love towards a child, the child can develop congruence due to affectionate and caring parental-child relationship. On the other hand, Incongruence is sabotage to one’s self-esteem that can affect all types of relationships with others due to self-rejection and not willing to accept who they are. For instance, a person just recently got out of a long term relationship and is feeling lost and not know who they are anymore as their identity due to being so dependent on their lover. The person is experiencing rejection by a lover that can lower their …show more content…

The cycle is an imitation of how is influenced by others. For instance, I have a crush on a man who is my interest to see if things function between us which are my cognition. We spend quality of time at the movies theater which is the environment. Then one day, I was invited to his house to meet his parents and be able to interact by getting to know them more of their personalities and how they behave towards me which is social

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