Analysis Of An Indian's Looking Glass For The White Men

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Christian morales advocate equality within man. The intention is to treat human beings as you would yourself; a hierarchy does not dictate your social class. However, this was not the case during the 1830’s, where Christian white men barbarically mistreated Native Americans. In William Apess’ essay “An Indian 's Looking-Glass For The White Men” he contradicts the Christian faith. Apess was a profound Methodist minister, author, and religious leader who lived in Massachusetts. Using his vast expertise on religion with pious homilies, Apess intricately highlights the injustice towards Native Americans in his sermon. Furthermore, Apess is propitious for Native Americans; he argues in favor for them and feels compassionate towards their struggles. Apess questions “Now I will ask, if the Indians are not called the most ingenious people amongst us? And are they not said to be men of talents?” (667). Apess insists that Native Americans are actually clever people, with innovation, and a developed cognitive. However, Apess points out the hypocrisy in the Christian faith, contradicting Christian beliefs that the white men supposedly “upheld.” Using coherent arguments, Apess provides a great perspective of a Native American …show more content…

He creates irony within their practice by speculating that Jesus Christ was of a darker complexion. He argues men cannot label themselves Christian, and continue to dehumanize Native Americans; which ultimately contradicts Christian ethics. This sermon engages the reader to sympathize for Native Americans and acts as sort of a “message” to the white men. It points out the hypocrisy in the Christian faith during the 1830’s. Apess successfully supports his claims by adding references to the bible and his vast knowledge in religion. In conclusion, Apess makes coherent arguments that showcase the hypocrisy in Christianity between the white

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