An Exploration of the Relationship Between the UK and the European Union

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The relationship between the UK and the EU has become a hot issue in the United Kingdom. There are many doubts whether the former should leave the European Union or not. Some people are not satisfied with the Union the way it currently operates and think that it is taking their freedom away. In my essay I would try to analyse the aforementioned relationship from the core and try to answer the question formed in the topic. It is true that our geography has shaped our psychology, said David Cameron delivering a speech on the European Union in 2013. That sole, irrefutable fact highlights the kind of relation that the United Kingdom has with the European Union for many years now. We have the character of an island nation, Cameron continues. ‘Lying off the north-west coast of Europe, there are two large islands and several smaller ones.” (O’Driscoll 8) The fact that the United Kingdom is an island indeed shaped not only psychology of its citizens but also its history. “Period of isolation has long gone, but perhaps it still retains some of its impact upon the British people, who do not want ties with the Continent." claims Vernon Bognador. ‘The ideal of a united Europe, strong in economic and political institutions, became increasingly attractive to European statesmen after the Second World War (1939–45)’ (Oakland 101) The chance to unite the Europe appeared with the arousal of European Economic Community (EEC), when six countries (West Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Italy) signed the Treaty of Rome. That agreement shaped the future for the future generation that we currently live in. Britain regarded itself as a commercial power and did not wish to be restricted by European relationships. At that time, t... ... middle of paper ... ...ple: An Introduction For Learners Of English: Revised And Updated. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print. Springford, John, Tilford, Simon. The Great British Trade-off The Impact of Leaving the EU on the UK’s Trade and Investment. Centre for European Reform. Web. 10 May 2014. . Vaughan-Rees, Michael, Geraldine ,. Sweeney, and Picot ,. Cassidy. In Britain. London: Chancerel International, 2000. Print. Wheeler, Brian, Peter, Laurence. "UK and the EU: Better off out or In?" BBC News. N.p., 14 May 2013. Web. 16 May 2014. . Wilson, Sam. "Love 'em or Hate 'em - Britain's Rocky Relationship with the EU."BBC News. N.p., 1 Apr. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. .

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