Summary Of Journal To Journalism, By Ana Swanson

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Journal to Journalism Journalism in popular media is sometimes based on scientific psychological research, but just because it quotes research is it in fact a true representation of the researcher’s data and conclusions? In this essay, both the journal and journalism copy of the research is investigated and reviewed to determine the validity of the journalism claims.
Summary of Journalism Story
An article by Ana Swanson, the disturbing thing scientists learned when they bribed babies with graham crackers, appeared in the on-line version of the Washington Post in April of 2016. Swanson’s article referenced several psychological research studies with the focus of her article landing on the research undertaken by Tasimi and Wynn at Yale University …show more content…

As the reward, the number of stickers, increased, the number of participants choosing the wrongdoer’s reward also increased.
The second part of the experiment theorized that infants would have similar moral preference. Infants of a similar geographic and familiar background were chosen to the participant group numbering sixty-four. As with experiment number one, the groups were randomly selected. Instead of the stickers and fictitious characters, graham crackers and puppets made up the variables.
Conclusions of the second experiment supported the results of the first experiment that “a willingness to pay personal costs to avoid transactions with wrongdoers is an early-emerging and fundamental aspect of human nature” (Tasimi & Wynn, 2016, p.78). Knowing this characteristic lead, the researchers to recommend further studies pursue the reason behind this aspect and why individual gains take over moral considerations when the rewards are large enough.
Validity of the Journalist Coverage of the Journal Article
The journalist covered the research article well in the areas of data and description of the study. The journalist used some literary embellishment of the conclusions and external …show more content…

article. The number of participants and age of the participants matched the research demographics of the Tasimi and Wynn articles. One area of discrepancy occurred in the journalist’s description of numerical outcomes of first experiment. Swanson wrote that “groups offered two, four or eight stickers, 16 of the 20 children chose to accept the one sticker” (Swanson, 2016) where the actual research reported eight of twenty children offered 4 or 8 stickers choice the wrongdoer (Tasimi & Wynn,

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