An Argument for Same Sex Marriage

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In a country where diversity is the key to success and freedom of speech and religion is seen as a motto, it is hard to believe that many Americans don’t follow what they preach. If America is the land of opportunity and diversity then why are so many same sex couples being shunned? If Americans support religious freedom, then the act of shunning same sex couples because their religious views don’t follow what most people believe should be put to an end. Based on this logic, society should accept these same sex couples instead of turning their backs on them in affairs dealing with adoption and marriage.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. This is one of the most famous quotes in the Declaration of Independence, but what happens when the government begins to decide who is eligible for these rights? An example of what happens is same sex couples struggling to find approval across America for same sex marriages. Despite the fact that the Declaration of Independence states that every citizen has the right for the pursuit of happiness, the government and a vast majority of the citizens of the United States don’t seem to comprehend that happiness is different for different individuals. Much of this controversy can be blamed on the bias of government officials being mostly Christians whose teachings see same sex marriage as wrong. In the case of trying to incorporate prayer into the begging of government meetings, “U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruled that… public prayer amounted to an endorsement of Christianity.” This proves that the laws allowing gay marriag...

... middle of paper ... same sex marriages opens doors to absurd ideas on who and what can be legally married. Many people make the claim that same sex marriages will lead to polygamy, incest and bestiality. The truth in this myth is that the likelihood of the first two happening is very unlikely. Studies from countries that have already legalized same sex relationships show that the demand of polygamous and incestual marriages has not risen. Also the idea of same sex relationships leading to bestiality is completely absurd. First off marriage is defined as a bond between to consenting adults, so if a person tries to marry their dog they wouldn’t have a definite way of knowing that their dog wants to marry them. Secondly homosexual marriages are no more likely as heterosexual marriages to make people want to marry an animal. With such an irrational argument it can be safely dismissed.

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