An Analysis of Loyalty and War

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Loyalty & War War is a battle not only between people but also between the ideas and reasons they carry with them like a flag.. The Civil War is a perfect example of this a war among people who might have, before the war, shared the same ideas or princples and called each other friend, neighbor, cousin, uncle, or even brother. Now because of a war against oppression and to preserve a country they called the other tyrants or traitors each believing that they had a cause worth dying for and that they would stay true to it until they saw it through. The affects the war had on the people in the war is another reason that makes their cause and how they stuck with it till the end even more honorable. The union fought to preserve a country that their ancestors fought to create and the confederacy seceded and fought to protect their personal rights, the idea the South fought for was to govern themselves and escape the mistreatment they recieved from the North. The Souths loyalty to the North had faded away because they felt they had not been treate equally, loyalty is not something that comes easily. The Civil War itself was a clear example of how far loyalty something could affect people and even a country. The South had been mistreated by the North and many were ready to leave the union and form a new country but there were also those who did not want a war. Even the commander of the confederate army had wished to avoid war "I hope, therefore, that all constitutional means will be exhausted before there is a resort to force."(496) most people would be reluctant to wage war with a country they once called their own. Loyalty to a cause is what causes a person to feel a sense of honor that they could help protect a cause they support, the ... ... middle of paper ... ...ecover. Loyalty during a war is a very hard thing to maintain and those who do remain loyal till the end are to me are the heroes of a war. The Civil War was deadliest war in our history with more six hundred thousand dead and I believe that most died fighting for what they stood for and should be remembered for their contribution to this country's history no matter what side they took and ideas they stood for. This war is a good example for loyalty because the sides people took and how it even divided people who could have had strong bonds with each other but separated because of their loyalties to different causes. All wars are fought with soldiers who are loyal to their country and cause all of the effort that goes into staying true to their cause should be an example for others to follow and that loyalty is an impotant quality that should be present in all of us.

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