America's Involvement in Vietnam

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The events that led to the United States entering the Vietnam War began when the French conquered Vietnam in the late nineteenth century. After Vietnam was conquer, they formed the League for the Independence of Vietnam in hopes of seeking independence from the French. With great effort on September 2, 1945 Ho Chi Minh proclaimed their independence from France. However, the French opposed Vietnam’s independence for approximately nine years and wanted to reestablish their rule over them. However the French were beaten at the battle of Dien Bien Phu because they were not careful and allowed the Vietnam to cut off their airway to Hanoi. After a fifty-five day siege, the French surrendered.

After the war there was a conference in Geneva and at that time Vietnam was divided into two parts along the seventeenth parallel. North Vietnam was mainly Communist and supported Ho Chi Minh, while the south was supported by the United States with the French being based there. Although South Vietnam was supported by the United States, there were still some Communist rebels within South Vietnam. T...

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