Persuasive Essay On Unhealthy Food

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There are a lot of unhealthy foods in this world. I think that we as Americans should change the way we eat because there is a lot of talk that the United States is one of the fattest nation in the world. Even in school kids don’t get healthy food that parent thinks that they are getting at school. In school lunches the kids pick what they want to eat and it’s not always the healthy thing on the menu. The food they give in school is not fresh and they just have to put in in the oven and that 's it. There is a lot of chemicals in the food that they give us kids. In the school that I go to the food is so nasty and something is raw. If your kids go to a school like the one I go to they wouldn’t want to eat the food so they buy chips. The …show more content…

In the 1940s and ‘50s people had to walk or bike many blocks just to buy an ice cream cone. In that time there wasn’t vending machines dispensing candy, soda, or no fast food restaurants or shopping malls with food courts. Yes, in that time they drank milk and ate cookies after school but then they would go and play something that this generation stopped doing now we just eat cookies and then sit down and watch tv all day. Most meals were prepared and eaten at home and now we don’t even eat at home because the new normal eats out every day. If they would eat out that was just for a special event and now we go eat out every day and we don’t care because we are too lazy to cook and prepare are on food. A typical breakfast was a hot or cold cereal sweetened with raisins or fresh fruit not a pop tart or jelly doughnut or 500 calorie bagel with 200 extra calories of cream …show more content…

Some doctors said that if we don’t change are ways our kid with having health problem because we are not eating healthy and we will show that to our kid and they will show that to their kid and on and on and that is not a good way to live our life. We as a nation should really change are ways because that one of the reasons that we can move on because we are stuck on are ways. In Lynwood there are parents that work very hard to make sure that their kids have the best they possible can ask for and that means that a lot of moms are not stay at home. So that means sometimes they don’t have the time or the energy to make something at home so they just pick up something. The food that they give us at school is not the best so we don’t eat it and we buy chips that are not the best choice but they are good. That’s one of the problems is that kids don’t find that healthy food is not good so they eat things that they like. They think it’s healthy, but it’s not and that because we don’t pay attention .A lot of us think that the food that we pick is healthy, but we all know it’s

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