The American Revolution’s Effect on the Institution of Slavery

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Slavery allowed the American economy to flourish for over 300 years. It allowed many Southern states to grow at a furious pace without significantly diversifying their economy. The South relied on the harvesting of cash crops such as tobacco and cotton, which were very labor intensive. Without much cheap labor, slaves were relied on to harvest the crops; this provided enormous value to farmers and plantation owners in the region. However, the institution of slavery was challenged in the 18th century by decades of Enlightenment thought, newfound religious ideals, and larger abolitionist groups. After the American Revolution many states would ban the practice of slavery completely and only a few would maintain the “peculiar institution”. Before the American Revolution, significant opposition to slavery already existed. James Otis, a Massachusetts lawyer emblemized this strain of thought when he wrote about the rights of natural born citizens and men. He argued that a man, black or white, should be guaranteed, as British subjects, the same rights and liberties. These liberties should protect men from slavery and afford them the rights guaranteed by the British Crown. Many other American colonists shared this attitude of abolitionism, however their reasoning relied on religious beliefs rather than modern political theory. A letter written by Phillis Wheatley to a Reverend exemplifies this justification for abolition. The letter expressed appreciation for the Reverend’s abolitionist views, but also compared the current situation to those of the Israelites when the Egyptians enslaved them. A parallel to the Bible furthered the view for many that slavery was unjust. This combination of Enlightenment ideals of natural righ... ... middle of paper ... ...all, the institution of slavery was severely weakened by the American Revolution. Enlightenment thought and religious beliefs were brought to the forefront by the revolutionary war; these beliefs provided the reasoning for the ban on slavery in many Northern states. These ideals of “natural rights” would also lead to the founding of numerous abolitionist groups. These groups would oppose slavery, however the British release of thousands of slaves and resulting economic consequences of the American Revolution would have a greater impact in reducing slavery’s role in Southern society as economic diversification took place and the importance of cash crops decreased. The South would not give up slavery for another six decades, however the Revolutionary War eliminated the hierarchy that allowed slavery to initially exist and put tremendous pressure on its reversal.

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