Radical Reconstruction: Radical Reconstruction After The American Civil War

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Radical Reconstruction, also known as Reconstruction period was after the American Civil War. During time the South was in political, social, and financial turmoil, and eleven Confederate states had withdrawn. According to, the Union attempted endeavored to recapture in the Confederate states. In aid to help former slaves, Congress had created the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, otherwise called the Freedmen 's Bureau in 1865. It gave nourishment, medical care, assisted with relocating, and it’s most importantly, it established schools. Over eight dozen schools were built and several black colleges were founded and some were financed with the help of the Freedmen 's Bureau. Regardless the bureau 's successes, it was unable to succeed in all problems. In the beginning, the Freedmen 's Bureau did not suffer from decrease of funding. The Bureau sold and leased lands in the South which …show more content…

The Freedmen 's Bureau helped black communities create schools and churches. Under slavery, blacks had been denied privilege to education and religion. The Freemen 's Bureau checked the civil authorities in cases that included African-Americans. At first, the Freedmen 's Bureau led to its own court of law once it was illegal for a black to testify in court in the majority of Southern states. The labor system of the South had to be totally rebuilt after the war. Previous former slave owners attempted to trap former slaves into entering contracts under the same terms as under the slavery system. The Freedmen 's Bureau followed up on the behalf of blacks to arranged neutral contracts for labor and property. Freedom offered blacks the chance to make a firm family structure. The Freedmen 's Bureau went as a clearinghouse of information to aide blacks in finding lost relatives and mediated domestic

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