Persuasive Essay On Obamacare

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“America’s health care system is neither healthy, nor caring, nor a system”, Walter Cronkite may have jokingly stated about the health care system in the US, but there is no doubt that most of the Americans had same feelings towards the privately monopolized health care system. The Patient Protection and affordable care act also known as Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, a bill passed and signed as law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 is one of the biggest steps taken by the government to intervene in the profit oriented health care system to remind the insurance companies that the first priority of health care industry is to provide better health care to make the lives of people better. The Affordable Care Act took the first giant …show more content…

The essential health benefits include categories like emergency benefits, prescription drug, preventive vaccination, maternity care and mental health. Prior to affordable care act the insurance did not cover all the benefits causing people to buy new health insurance for one or other additional benefit. The addition of essential health benefit in all health benefits in the insurance plans not only helps economically but it also helps to improve the health and promotes healthy living. The inclusion of benefits like the emergency and ambulatory services helps one to avoid unexpected extra medical costs caused by medical emergencies while traveling outside. As the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure- Unknown”, preventive vaccination, preventive services and maternity care allows one to have healthy living by being prepared and it also lessens the economic burden overall by preventing diseases and avoiding huge expenses for the treatment of the diseases. It can lead to an overall improvement of lifestyle by educating as well as offering a chance to prevent disease before they happen …show more content…

Although Affordable Care Act has a lot of goodies for patients, one cannot deny Conover’s question on the impact that it has caused on the regular healthy population. With a clause of health insurance being mandatory, Affordable Care Act mandates all individual to either get health insurance coverage or face penalties. In his article, Conover gives the statistical analysis of the increasing premium vs the penalty for not having insurance. In his analysis Conover points out that 3.7 million healthy Americans between 18-34 years age will be saving at least over $500 per year if they forgo insurance and pay the penalties. Conover’s argument that getting an insurance is a bad investment for someone who is young, healthy and has no diseases, cannot be

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