The Pros And Cons Of Attacks On The Second Amendment

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When our nation was young the founders came together to draft a new Constitution and form a republican government. Many had come to realize that the Articles of Confederation were flawed and the founders sought to find a solution. The new Constitution was accepted by the people on the premises that a bill of rights would be put in place to insure the natural rights of the people and of the states. One of these rights is explained in the Second Amendment to the Constitution as the right to a militia and the right of the people to keep and bear arms. In recent years this right has come under scrutiny and attack from those who oppose this freedom. Attacks on the Second Amendment are a problem. Attacks on the Second Amendment are a problem because …show more content…

When war broke out and the Revolution began a number of rights that we take advantage of were striped from the colonist. Many of these rights that were attacked by the British government are listed in the Declaration of Independence. Some of these rights that were striped of the colonist are the right to a fair trial, the right to assemble, the right to protest, the right to free speech, and oddly enough the right to keep and bear arms. In fact, the Royal marines mission at the battle of Lexington and Concord was to confiscate arms that the colonists possessed. This deprivation of human rights is what the founders understood as tyranny. In many other countries around the world and throughout history one can see that before a government deprives its people of their rights the government effectively nullifies the people of the one right they have to change the direction and outcome of their government. This is the right to possess and bear arms. Many dictators such as Hitler or Stalin took the initiative to deprive their own people of arms before they committed unspeakable and horrendous acts upon the people they saw as enemies or as political opponents. Within these same countries one can see that the rights of free speech or even the right to a trial was forcefully taken. When a people is well armed and well …show more content…

When the founders wrought the constitution they intended for the people to poses the ultimate authority over the government. They believed that any form of government could become corrupt and tyrannical. When this occurred it becomes up to the people to put an end to the wrongdoing of the government. The government is reminded that the American people disagree with their gun control acts because every time they bring it up the American people set a new record on firearm purchases. Take a look at the National Rifle Association. Many people on the opposing side believe that they have too much power. What they do not seem to understand is that the NRA receives its power from the American people. People who wish to remind the government that over stepping its bounders will not be tolerated. Another way that the American people remind the government that the people hold the power is through their vote. The government understands that because of the Second Amendment that if they took the power from the people through a dictatorship or some other form of tyrannical government that they would have an uprising of well-armed angry American patriots on their

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