Reevaluating the Second Amendment: Fear and Gun Violence

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Modify Second Amendment or not? How Will you feel when you see deafferents kind of people with guns near to you and your family in a college? Are you going to feel like they are trying to protect themselves for danger or not? Even if you do not see Them in a college, how will you fell? Opponents will say that they are in their right to bear them. They will insist also in this point; being protected is always better than be defenseless before any dangerous situation. I understand what they are saying however U.S constitution, which gives citizens the right to own guns, was wrote by a man who lived in a different time. This is the reason why modify the second amendment could mean advantages for the state for many reasons. It is believed that fear is a feeling which humans try to control, but they
They point of view are understandable because this law was an” auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the stat”. However, it was created to give protestant the chance to protect themselves in a time where they had the crown against. Those time people were facing more authorities abuse and delinquent attacks. The law was just applicable in people in disadvantage social. This law was mainly to protect citizens for an unfair society not for bearing even in safe situation because of the second amendment. The modification of the second amendment has been disuse and everyone has his own opinion. Some people believe that it’s modification can reduce fear in citizens and reduce gun violence. Other people think that this law as to stay as it is. Because it makes them feel save and defend themselves from risky positions. The world is evaluating and people too that is why keeping old laws as they were in the past might affect the

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