Alternative Energy Sources

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Alternative Energy Sources “In United States around half of million deaths each year are attributed to air pollution. It is estimated that air pollution each day kills three people in the city of Hong Kong. Air pollution also contributes to soil and water pollution. More than 15,000 people in the world die each day because of water pollution” ( With these statistics, it is no wonder people are coming up with alternative energy sources. From energy to gasoline, there are many different ways to reduce these statistics. Some alternatives to energy sources are solar and wind power, alternative vehicle fuels and hybrid cars. Photovoltaic solar electricity, or more commonly known as solar power, is an alternative energy source. Basically, energy is produced from the suns light. The most common for of solar energy is active solar technology. Different ways to access active solar technology are with solar panels, fans, and pumps (Philibert). For example, the panels on a person’s roof work by absorbing the suns light, converting it into energy and distributing it all over the house. A downside to this method of energy is that when it is dark or cloudy, the solar panels cannot collect sunlight. A close relative to solar power is wind power. Wind power is another way to get energy. With this method, the energy is produced by wind. Wind turbines are a way to get energy out of wind. Wind turbines are just like windmills but more modern and sleeker in design. There are two types of wind turbines, horizontal-axis machines and vertical-axis machines (Deal). The more common of the two is the horizontal-axis machine. It is a three blade machine designed to face the wind. Inside a wind turbine is the generator. The gen... ... middle of paper ..." U.S. Department of Energy. N.p., 2011. Web. 7 Nov 2011. . Childress, Vincent W. "Energy Decisions: Is Solar Power The Solution?." Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.5 (2011): 9-14. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Nov. 2011 Deal III, Walter F. "Going Green With Electric Vehicles." Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.3 (2010): 5-11. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. Deal, Walter F. "Wind Power: An Emerging Energy Resource." Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.1 (2010): 9-15. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. Demirbas, A. "Fuel Alternatives To Gasoline." Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning & Policy 2.3 (2007): 311-320. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. Philibert, FiCédricrst. "The Present and Future Use Of Solar Thermal Energy as a Primary Source of Energy." Paris, InterAcademy Council.. 2005. 16. Print.

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