Alien (1979): Alien: Feminism In The Film Alien

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Alien (1979): Feminism
In the thirty years since its release, Alien has become a film of various debates amongst film theorists. Academic analyses of the film draw attention to many differing themes, most popularly with feminism. Most critiques, academic and otherwise, ultimately conclude that Alien is a feminist film because of its representation of the workplace as a home to equality and a place where traditional gender roles have been obliterated. What is ultimately revealed by Alien is the anxiety of men during the era of second-wave feminism in which the film was produced. This film provides a step forward for feminists, but imagines men taking two steps back in equality.
The film Alien delves into a futuristic realm, mainly revolving …show more content…

Susan Jeffords’ journal entry “The Battle of the Big Mamas” does agree that the film contains feminist themes throughout; however she feels as if it doesn’t give off the message the producers were originally going for. Jeffords criticizes the film for presenting a “feminism that can succeed only by making women ‘alien’ to themselves” (Jeffords 75). Jeffords argues that women “accept the point of view of a corporate masculinity at the expense of relations between women” (76). This point can see be seen throughout the decades as women purposely drop their feminine touch in order to gain the respect as an equal that women feel they deserve. Jeffords emphasizes that the film encourages women to leave behind all feminist qualities and to act like a man in order to be equal with man. This gives a very different point of view from the other sources, which highly support that the film praises feminism and its true qualities …show more content…

The 1970s was a progressive period of time for feminism and feminist movements. With fewer marriages, smaller families, and more single men and women living alone, the idea of a strong, independent woman was becoming a widely accepted idea. Politically, 1975 marks the International Women’s Year, created by the United Nations, and later is considered the start of the National Decade of Women. Visuals like the Virginia Slims cigarette advertisements and the international symbol of women’s equality continued to push feminism to the forefront of the mind during this decade. Even with push-back from anti-feminists like Phyllis Schlafly and the Pro-Family Rally, feminism stood tall during the decade of transition known as the “second wave” of feminism (Bondi

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