Sex And Sexuality In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is a science fiction book that captures both the benevolent and malevolent sides of cloning and mass production of human embryos through science. Huxley’s book, published in 1932, conveys his well-developed and disturbingly accurate ideas about human behavior in what was then the distant future. Some of Huxley’s predictions have been realized today, some to a greater degree than others. These specific predictions which are closely related to today are; our sexual practices, obsession with youth and beauty, abuse of drug and the declining practice of religion. For the people of the “World State”, life is based on immediate pleasure and constant happiness; lack of religion, fixation on beauty, sex and the use of …show more content…

Most forms of entertainment in Brave New World somehow relate to sex. For example the “feelies” are pornographic movies with a more advanced plot line and the tremendous bonus of experiencing the same things as the actors on the screen. The government actually encourages sex and promiscuity among its citizens; if a person is not promiscuous they are seen as outcasts. Sex is not a private matter and is openly practiced. To ensure that sex’s purpose is for entertainment the government makes only thirty percent of the female population fertile. This ensures that the population will not view sex as a form of reproduction because the majority is not capable of sexual reproduction. The more partners a person has the more popular the person is. Due to this a person is discouraged from having a long-term relationship with one person. If they have a long term relationship their loyalty to the government and Ford is in question, as evidenced early in the book when Fanny was scolding Lenine for not being with more men when she had the chance. “And you know how strongly the DHC objects to anything intense or long and drawn out. Four months of Henry Foster without having another man - why, he’d be furious if he knew,” (46). One night-stands are common and expected; the idea of marriage is practically nonexistent. Because it is common for the people of the World State to talk constantly about sex and are encouraged to have sex frequently, it is not seen as dirty, shameful or something to be discussed behind closed doors. From a young age children learn about sex and contraceptives. Children are forced to use contraceptives every time they have sex. They are encouraged to participate in sex play from a young age. Those who do not wish to participate are taken to a psychologist for an evaluation. Unfortunately, these actions are steadily becoming common in our own

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