The Causes Of Alcoholism: Cause And Effects

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Cause and Effects of Alcohol
What is alcohol and how does it effect a person and the family members around them. Alcoholism is a long term chronic disease. We all know what alcohol is. The medical term is someone who drinks frequently too much and becomes unable to maintain a normal healthy life. An individual who can’t control his need for alcohol.
Alcoholism is a symptom of a psychological or social problem, or is a learned behavior used to cope with everyday people’s lives. This is a serious disease that effects many people in the world. It is a disease that progresses over several years, not just over a few days. This disease not only effects the alcoholic it affects everyone that is involved with this individual.
Alcoholism …show more content…

Unlike alcoholics, alcohol abusers have some ability to set limits on their drinking. However, their alcohol use is still self-destructive and dangerous to themselves or others. Just because someone drinks or abuses alcohol means they will become alcoholics, but they are at a big risk. Sometimes things in someone’s life develop and in response to this stressful event a person turns to alcohol as a blanket to soften this tragedy in their life. Other times drinking gets out of hand and your alcohol tolerance increases and you begin to drink daily and it gets out of control. A person who abuses alcohol may have many of these signs and symptoms, but they do not have the withdrawal symptoms like an alcoholic does, nor the same degree of compulsion to …show more content…

A person’s judgement can become altered and lower the inhibitions, thoughts, emotions, and general behavior. It can affect the person’s ability to coordinate their muscles and speak properly. Lots of heavy drinking can cause them to go into a coma. Eventually they can have fatigue, memory loss, lots of health problems, arrest, money issues, loss of employment, suicide, family issues.
There are several types of alcoholics, the first is they young adult subtype, who does not have a family history is young adult drinker. The second type is the young antisocial subtype, these folks are young, do have a family history of alcoholism, and have mental illnesses and addictions to other substance. The third type is functional, middle aged and successful with a stable job and a supportive family. These have a family history of alcoholism and history of depression. The fourth type is intermediate familial subtype, middle aged with a family history of alcoholism and prior depressive episode. The fifth type is the chronic severe subtype, includes middle aged with family histories of alcoholism, mental illness, and addictions to other

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