Effects Of Alcoholism On The United States

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Alcoholism has increased dramatically in this generation. It is considered one of the top 3 abused drugs in the United States and can effect each person in a different way physically or mentally. Problems have risen due to alcoholism such as drinking and driving, public intoxication, minor in possession, and addiction. Physcologist have discovered that people who grew up around alcohol are 3 to 4 times more likely to develop these symptoms as well. While alcohol can have serious and harmful effects on the human and the way the act, there are many support groups available that will help anyone with any sort of alcohol problems.
Risk factors:
Many factors exist which can put people at higher risk for developing sympotoms of alcoholism such as genetics, your gender (men respectively are at high risk of alcoholism), depression or anxiety,your environment, and family history. Children or adolescents who are surrounded by alchohol growing up are self influenced to alcohol abuse when they get older. While parents do not think about it at the time, they are setting their child up for alcohol abuse. Patterns of alcohol asumtion can be affected by your age according to "Alcoholism Research Paper." Alchohol use increases for young adults or adolescents is the generation because they are linked to having life stressors and alcohol is their medicine to healing themselves. Physcologist have discovered that young adults with sypmtoms of alcoholism are more likely to develop more stressors in their life compared to young adults who tend to not drink that much or at all. Many Americans deal with stressors in their life and are at high risk of alcoholism, there is always postivities surrounding your and help available. People that are having pr...

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.... This is to persuade children at a young age the risk they are willing to take if they decide to abuse alcohol and drugs. The goal is to stop the problem before it begins, that way they don 't have to learn for their own and know what the factors are. Medical doctors have created a perscription drug to overcome the "need" for acohol. It is called Naltrexone, and it stimulates the part of the brain that is involved with addiction.
Recovery from alcoholism happens over a time lapse and in many stages. Like mentioned earlier, not every person will get the same effects from one certain type of treatment. The only way to fix their problems is to find out what places, people, and physcological things are convincing them to abuse alcohol. When seeking to find help, you should always look for someone who has a professional background such as a therapist or a physcologist.

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