Aircraft Maintenance Practices

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De-fuelling and Refuelling are processes done coincidentally to insure that no contamination is present and to clean up fuel tanks as well by removing the fuel and supplying fuel on the aircraft, respectively. Every activity associated in aviation requires procedures and guidelines to bring out safe production and prevention against potential hazards. Aircraft Refuelling/De-fuelling is a crucial servicing activity needed to be executed with the appropriate course of actions and guidelines followed by highly educated personnel to meet the objective of satisfying the requirements and demands with least potential hazardous effects. This procedure does not only require safe practices, but also caution since it deals with combustible material. Therefore, the first and foremost regard is to assure that the type of fuel to be used is correct, that is, specified on the AMM. But above all, abide by the fuel safety practices required by aviation authorities. Control measures established for the operation include: • Be careful not to spill the fuel for it ignite the engine or brakes • If a spill occurs, stop the procedure and immediate action should be taken • Properly ground and bond the aircraft and fuel truck alike • Bonding connections must only be removed when the whole procedure is finished. • Electrical circuits in the fuel system should be checked and inspected before starting the procedure • For safety purposes, clear the nearby area and free from unnecessary materials • Aircraft main engines must be inactive when the operation is going on • Do not execute the operation in bad weather conditions • Place fire extinguishers when performing the operation • There must be a fire-fighting equipment available in case of emergenc... ... middle of paper ... Emirates Student Module Aircraft Fuelling -

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