Airbus A3XX Case Stuy Analysis

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Airbus A3XX Case Study Analysis Introduction of Boeing and Airbus In the United States, Boeing was the primary civil aviation manufacturer for over half a century. Using manufacturing and defense techniques, it soon became the world’s top producer of commercial aircraft. Of their fleet consisting of fourteen models (five families), their forerunner was the 747-400. When they first produced the 747 in 1965, their decision was criticized and called a gamble. Nonetheless, Boeing announced an initial order of 25 planes which, as a result, caused their stock prices to increase 5.1%. In spite of an initial potential failure, Boeing’s demand for the 747 aircraft continued to stay strong with 47 planes delivered in 1999 and 74 more in their backlog. In competition with American aircraft companies, such as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, Airbus was formed in 1970 as an association with “principal aerospace companies of Germany (Deutsche Aerospace …), France (Aerospatiale Matra), England (Britain’s Hawker Siddeley, later BAE Systems), and Spain (Construcciones Aeronauticas, CASA)” (pg 3). The company primarily focused on creating a highly competitive line of commercial aircrafts. Though, overtime, the partnership between the four countries became unmanageable and three of them formed a new company known as European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS). Airbus, one of the leading divisions in this new company, had a fleet of nine models by 1999 and “employed ‘fly-by-wire’ technology that substituted computerized control for mechanical linkages between the pilot and the aircraft’s control surfaces” (pg 3). The A3XX Boeing held the monopoly in the very large aircraft (VLA) market with their 747 airplanes. Airbus made a de... ... middle of paper ... to make it more powerful and attractive than the Airbus A3XX. With the potential for this project to take some time, Boeing may have to work quickly to catch up to Airbus. Airbus’ Commitment The decision for Airbus to commit to the project is a tough one to make. On one hand, it is possible that all of the early investors may receive discounts thus causing Airbus to lose money. However, on the other hand, it’s possible that Airbus would make even more money than they ever imagined by designing an aircraft that attracts passengers worldwide due to the greater amount of space, details, and comfort provided in each model. Furthermore, because the VLA market is expanding quickly, Airbus is able to enter that market at an early period. If the company continues creating new aircraft and strategizing well against others in the market, they may soon become a leader.

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