Positive And Negative Effects Of Ageism

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One in nine people in the world are over the age 60; this number will only continue to increase with the aging of the baby boomers (Kydd, 2014). With this prevalent population in the world, an older adult will most likely experience some form of ageism. Nearly 77% of the elderly population will experience a form of ageism during their lifespan (Nemmers, 2004). Ageism is a form of discrimination and prejudice against the elderly population sheerly just based on their age, similar to that of racism and sexism (Miller, 2012). The effects of ageism are numerous, and they have positive and negative aspects on an older adult’s health. Ageism occurs and still continues to exist in the American society today for multiple reasons. Younger and middle adults tend to fear and feel powerless with death and aging; they tend to cope with these feelings with ageism and the negative stereotypes about the older adult (Miller, 2012). There are several types of myths in the American culture that surround ageism. Older adults are a valuable asset to the American society with their knowledge and life experience. For ageism to change in the American culture nurses a fundamental role in changing the ageist culture of society. Nurses might encounter some …show more content…

If nurses have positive attitudes about aging they can install positive attitudes onto their coworkers about the aging process. With installing positive attitudes onto their coworkers this can change how those nurses view aging. Nurses can also act as a role model by refrain from telling ageism jokes, and treating older adults with respect and listening to the older adults and his or her concern. This will help other people in society will help change the way the view the elderly population. With the nurse being a role model he or she can start a cascade of other healthcare professionals being a role model and combat

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