What Is The Importance Of Civilization In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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Why should any person be deemed to a life of civilization? Isn 't life made for adventure and freedom? In Mark Twain 's novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a life of civilized superiority is thrown away for adventure and a search for freedom. For Huckleberry Finn, civilization and society are just big words used for one 's own pleasure. Huck rejects civilization over and over again because nothing right can come out of a society where one 's morals only seem to be used in a certain place at certain times.
Civilization was never a top priority for Huck. Because of poor excuses of civilized people, he has no intention to live the life that everyone else lives. Huck became sickened by the soulless acts of humanity the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons
Not only slave owners, but most of the South who either supported, owned or disliked African American slaves, attended regular church meetings and prayed daily. The Widow Douglas tried continually to teach Huck the Bible and the importance of praying. "You had to wait for the widow to tuck down her head and grumble a little over the victuals..." (Twain 2). Huck tried on several accounts to pray but could either never bring himself to do it, or tried to pray for things like fish hooks unlike blessings, which caused Miss Watson to laugh when she heard his prayers. The Grangerfords and Shepherdsons had been caught in a feud for around thirty years which consisted of killing. Both owned slaves but still went to church, "the men took their guns along and kept them between their knees … the Shepherdsons done the same," (Twain 109). Even at church both families seemed to not be able to forget a feud no one knew anything about. Both families still believed they were good Christians however. Needless to say, Huck could never tell what made a Christian good as opposed to
"I have no race prejudices, and I think I have no color prejudices or caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. Indeed I know it. I can stand any society. All that I care to know is that a man is a human being--that is enough for me; he can 't be any worse," (Internet History Sourcebooks). Twain commented on prejudices- not just about African Americans- which further the point that a part of Twain made up a lot of Huck Finn as a character. Mark Twain also left the Civil War "after his militia disbanded and moved to Nevada. There he worked as a miner. "Roughing It" describes Twain 's journey out West with his brother Orion," (Official). Twain had experience away from civilization and out West where Huck wanted to be. In general Mark Twain seems to be angry towards mankind and sees society as Huck

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