Adolescents and Divorce

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Adolescence is a period of turmoil and change for youngsters. During this time in their lives, adolescents experience many types of stresses. Some of these stresses include identity crisis, relationships with family members and friends, and the physical changes that take place. Adolescence is a very trying time and it can be heightened when divorce is an additional problem to be dealt with. Divorce only adds to the turmoil and hardships of adolescence. The effects of a divorce can leave an individual feeling lonely and at fault for the break up of their parents.

Divorce is a family crisis, which could require a long period for recovery. Along with the turmoil associated with the adolescent stage of life, divorce adds other stresses. Adolescents are already confronted with numerous changes, including physical changes in the body and social adoptions, that the changes that occur as a result of a divorce could be overwhelming. They are also in the transition stage of separating themselves from their parents and developing into an adult. The adolescent is at the stage of development in which he must separate himself from his parents on order to establish as an adult?(Buchanan, p.70).

Being socially accepted is one of the more important aspects of this developmental stage. The development of relationships with friends allows for them to form an identity. The adolescent only accepts his or her identity if, and only if, the society feels that it is correct. Otherwise, they may feel inadequate and isolated from everyone else because the do not fit in with everyone else?s standards(Buchanan,14)

This developmental stage in one's life in conjunction with the effects of a divorce, make the changes much more difficult to overcome and accept. "How an adolescent copes with the problems of a divorce depends upon their emotional health and maturity level,"(Buchanan, p.71). Each individual may react in his or her own way. Some of these reactions can consist of hostility towards family, especially their parents, aggressiveness, and/or depression. They may make sudden choices that they might feel could be the answer to their problem. For instance, constant running away might occur which results in secluding oneself.

The behavior of females at this crucial time seems to be more of a disturbance, while the males showed to be more severe. The m...

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