Essay On Foster Care Ethical Dilemma

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Addressing the needs of children in foster care has been an issue that has tried to be addressed in many ways. In 2001, approximately 300,000 children entered the foster care system, with the average time spent in placement equaling 33 months (Bass Shields, & Behrman, n.d.). Statistically, the longer a child is in the foster care system, the greater number of placements they will have, and instability increases each year (Bass Shields, & Behrman, n.d). I recently read a novel by a girl who was placed into the system at age two, and by age 12 she had already experienced 14 different placements (Rhodes-Courter, 2007). Stories such as this one are not uncommon in the foster care system, especially if the child is a member of a sibling group or …show more content…

It is a fine line to judge when is the right time to give up on reunification and seek another permanency option. The ethical dilemma presents itself as to who is the client, the child or the family. Currently at my field agency there is an ethical dilemma surrounding this issue in regards to an infant who is placed in foster care. She was removed from her parents after birth after because of safety concerns regarding her older sister. After 3 years of intervention with this family it is still undetermined who the maltreator is who perpetrated near-death injuries by shaken baby syndrome on this infant’s older sister. Although reunification was sought between this infant and her parents, they have made little progress in their 3 years of supervision and the baby has formed a secure attachment to her foster parents who are willing to adopt her. These ethical dilemmas are difficult because as social workers we have an obligation to promote reunification, but when should it be determined that it is not a possibility. When I first became interested in social work I strongly wanted to work with adoptions, and while I still do, my eyes have been opened to the hardship and stress adoption can bring as well as the

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