Adding Study Hall to Graphics High School

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G.C.A. students are definitely aware of the rumor that has been going around from hallway to hallway. The news of the school's request to shut down has not shocked us as much as it should, but it has worried us about where we will be transferred to. The words "I hate this school" or "I wish this school was better" have been coming out of more than half of the student body's mouth. This issue can be ignored and become worst, or be first priority. A way to improve the problems in this school is to add a study hall.

Graphics High School can have their advantages but their disadvantages are what stand this school out. Study Hall can have plenty of advantages as well and become a great motivation for students to pass their classes and keep from staying behind. This will be a great opportunity for seniors to catch on their work to graduate on time since the majority of them work after school to raise money for their senior dues. It’s important for them to pay them off and also pass their classes so they can graduate on time. Since most of them don't have many classes, having...

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