ADA Versus ADM

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ADA Versus ADM
Educational success is primarily based on attendance within our school systems. In order to gain appropriate funding to create an effective learning environment, which produces highly performing results, the school must serve as many students as possible while maintaining high attendance rates. Accomplishment of students, especially in math, is very susceptible to failure if consistent attendance isn’t attained (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). “Attendance also strongly affects standardized test scores and graduation and dropout rates” (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012, pg. 4). An attempt on motivating this consistent attendance state and district policies have been made in order to reward school districts for their attendance. Two primary systems “Average Daily Membership” and “Average Daily Attendance” are used to achieve perfect attendance aside from chronic illness or an extreme case excusing a students absence. Districts have a very overwhelming task of drawing attendance in order to better finance their schools, but the only way to appropriately gain revenue is to create a school warranting high student retention and attendance rates.
Average Daily Membership Verses Average Daily Attendance
Schools are primarily using two systems in order to measure and report attendance within their schools in order to increase their funding. "Average Daily Membership" which equates to the total enrollment of fractional students and full-time students, minus withdrawals, of each school day through the first one hundred days or two hundred days in session, as applicable, for the current year (AZ State Legislature, n.d., 15-901). School districts and charter schools shall report student absence data to the department of education at least o...

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...view, 78(2), 4-9.
Brimley, V., Jr., Verstegen, D. A., & Garfield, R. R. (2012). Financing Education In A Climate Of Change (11th ed.). Pearson Education.
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Glossary of Educational Terms. (n.d.). Glossary of Educational Terms. Retrieved from
University of California, L. (2011). School Attendance: Focusing on Engagement and Re- Engagement. Practice Notes. Center For Mental Health In Schools At UCLA.

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