Acute Myocardial Infraction Essay

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An acute myocardial infraction is commonly known as a heart attack. A heart attack is a serious medical emergency that can cause death if not taken serious! “Every year, there are more than 3 million cases in America.” Says Mayo Clinic. Although, a heart attack can happen at any age the majority of the victims are 40 and up. An attack occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is damaged or interrupted. Heart attacks are usually caused by obesity, stress, high blood pressure, smoking and many other diseases or poor decision.
Our heart is a muscle. Which means, our heart needs oxygen. A heart attack takes place when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart is stopped. This goes on because coronary arteries that helps supply …show more content…

Acute means to happen suddenly. There are many symptoms of a heart attack. The most typical symptom is chest pain. The other symptoms can range from, mouth pain, headache, trouble breathing nausea, vomiting, sweating, heartburn, pain in left arm, or no symptoms at all! Make sure the victim avoids excessive movement and is calm to keep symptoms steady. A healthcare provider helps diagnose a heart attack based on the patient 's medical history, an electrocardiogram to look for abnormalities the heart and blood testing for abnormal enzymes levels in blood. For immediate treatment you will be put on a heart monitor and given oxygen and IV line filled with nitroglycerin and morphine to reduce pain. Abnormal heartbeats are treated electric shocks and most likely medicine. Some patients may also have need to have heart bypass surgery to open blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. This procedure is called open heart …show more content…

For instance, Drugs that lower cholesterol may help lower elevated of plaque buildup. Having more wholegrain foods, eating less sugar, eating more fruit and vegetables daily are ways to start living up to a healthy life. Another way of lowering your chance is doing physical activities. Most importantly, keeping up with your stress levels and quitting bad substances like smoking are things that also appear to reduce the risk of any type heart disease risk. Following these steps after a heart attack will help prevention and systems. On average, some might see recovery as difficult however, many people live healthy, active lives

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