Final Analysis: Abraham Lincoln As A Hero Leader

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In the current political climate of our nation, we have a candidate that appears to be ill prepared for the Presidency of the United States, one who lacks the qualification for the vast responsibility and one who has no political, governmental experience or knowledge. In light of the current political climate, it takes me back to Abraham Lincoln the sixteenth president of the United States who also ran as a candidate for the president of the United States also lacked what appears to be the necessary qualifications and skills for the presidency of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was a courageous leader and statesman who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery. He was a man who stood against all odds in the belief that all men are created equal as it pertains to the abolition of slavery and didn’t waver in his belief even though such belief that was unpopular for its’ time. I have chosen Abraham Lincoln as my hero Leader for several reasons. Abraham Lincoln represents and proves that we can become anything we …show more content…

What made Lincoln such a great leader was that he had a determination to succeed and possesses the, willpower, strength and resilience to push past every place of obstacle, opposition and resistance to stay on course to accomplish his task. His failures were used as stepping stone to his success as he was able to learn from them. Concerning success, it was Lincoln who said “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” “Hold on,” he said, “with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible.” (Leadership by the People, 2012). Herein lies the strength of a man who against all odds, refused to give

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