A World Full of Boys

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A World Full of Boys The characteristics that defined men are becoming obsolete. Men in their twenties have reached an impasse, and most are falling behind women on the road to success. Hard-working men are disappearing and being replaced by party boys. As men are turning into boys, girls are turning into the women the future needs. Once primary bread-winners, men are now seen as dependent boys, and women are beginning to surpass them.

For centuries, men had been the primary bread-winners, but today most are over-grown boys. Several decades ago, most boys had begun working at very young ages, and most of them never had a choice at what careers or jobs they had. On average, most American men were completing the major mile-stones to adulthood by their twenties. They would have a degree, a wife, a career, and kids. Comedian Julie Klausner refers to “males as ‘guys’ because they are not boys or men but something in between. They are more like the kids we babysat than the dads who drove us home.” Today many men are becoming more dependent on their parents. Many American parents beli...

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