A True Hero in the Epic of Gigamesh

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What makes a hero? A hero can be born into greatness and lead an ordinary life. A hero can achieve and glory greatness and carry a noble death to their name. What turns an individual into the characteristic of a “hero” will depend on the journey they set upon. From ancient Greek culture, the concept of a hero was built from idolizing a religious figure, a deceased person who received cult honors and was expected to return home bearing prosperity in forms of plants or animals, back to their people. The narrative of our literary heroes deals with a person who is mortal, unlike the Gods, and has to suffer the struggles of their fear of death during their journey to achieve glory and create peace in their world. A hero is supported by other characters, but ultimately fights against evil on their own. A hero's origin is merely the basis for leaving an everlasting impression on the world. Destiny, fate, and even magic are key roles in helping to guide such heroes on their quest but ultimately it is either their wits, brain, or brawn that aid them to overcome the enemy. From the Epic of Gilgamesh, the hero is fated to embark on a journey to discover his true identity, and in this tale it is the character of Gilgamesh who begins his personal quest to seek eternal life to save his dear friend Enkidu. Gilgamesh is endowed with extraordinary strength and size, almost teetering along the description of “supernatural” due to his two-thirds God and one-third human heredity. These attributes would be considered out of the ordinary, almost unnatural for a simple hero. However, the epic does not concentrate on the physical traits alone because Gilgamesh would not be percieved as a typical hero in the epic's Standard Babylonian version of. Gilgame... ... middle of paper ... ...heroic adventure story for the ages. In conclusion, there is no indifference against the form we take or the life we lead but what we make of what we have been given. Every story has a hero, no matter how insignificant or secondary they may seem, and any individual does not require any extra powers to make a difference in someone's life than can affect tens, hundreds, even thousands of people. A person is bestowed with the title of a “hero” in the same manner any other person has to earn respect. Our stories shape our character, and lead us to becoming influential people despite our origin. A hero can be anyone, and can come from anywhere. Our literary figures today face their struggles and come out victorious which make them the ideal warriors to role model and aspire to become. A hero's origin is merely the basis for leaving an everlasting impression on the world.

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