A Three Dimentional Analysis of My Personal Views

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Social Workers main objectives are to work for Social Justice, and invoke positive changes for future generations. Social work as I have come to know it is a helping profession on many levels. Social work is not concentrated on only one specific area of need, but targets many areas on a larger scale with vast opportunities in the field. As Hick (2006) states Those who choose social work as their profession do so for a variety of reasons. In general, they appear to be motivated by a combination of humanitarian and egalitarian values, and by a desire to understand how society works and how to make it better for everyone. Frequently, a person is motivated to become a social worker following exposure to injustice and oppression.(p.16.) This paper will entail my reflections on three main areas pertaining to my own personal experiences. I will describe the influence of my own life experiences, give my particular world view, and describe what advantages and disadvantages, power, and privileges I will bring to my interaction as a social worker. There are many factors that contribute to the influences of my life experiences. As a child I attended a variety of different schools; from the private school system to the public school system. During my high school years, I was home schooled. Home schooling was the best experience compared to the other alternatives. This positive schooling experience influenced my decision to currently continue my education through distance. My life’s experience influenced my decision to become a social worker. Without getting to far in detail I have experienced both sides of the pendulum. The negative experiences are what made me a stronger person. I have a profound understanding of the destruction of a... ... middle of paper ... ...ain to me as a female in our society. According to Carniol (2005) “The devaluation of women’s reproductive and other roles has involved, among other things, a mix of restrictions: legal, economic, social, and psychological. While different waves of feminism have challenged these complex restrictions, many gender inequalities remain. One of the most dangerous relics of patriarchal privilege is the belief that men have the right to boss women around and to punish them for disobedience.” (p. 24.) As far as power is concerned I have an invisible membership of dominance due to my preferred status as a privileged person. I realize I must be aware of this power and dominance so that I can be sensitive toward others who do not possess these privileges. I am still learning about power in social work. My current understanding is that there are different types of power.

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