A Study on Testing of Service Oriented Architecture

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Abstract Services are combined and then controlled through an orchestration engine for achieving a business process. These services can be internal to the organization or COTS, which raises the question of authenticating the quality of the services. The problem currently being faced by the SOA developers is the lack of a system that guarantees a third-party service. A service provider may provide claims about a service but those claims need to be validated. Even the service provider might not have an idea that his service has degraded over time due to increase in traffic, data or some other elements. Each consumer has his own expectations from the service and different criteria are set as standards for the acceptability of a service. This paper contains the research conducted on the impact of a third-party service on a composite service and a model has been proposed for the testing of these services. INTRODUCTION Web Services have formed an important part of the internet in the current I.T driven economy. The Web Service is an interface that describes a collection of operations that are remote accessible through standardized XML messaging [17]. These services provide functionality ranging from simple mathematical functions to more complex banking applications over the web. Different businesses have adopted the technology of web services and started providing services through the web to their customers. Businesses have been striving to provide the best possible service to their customers by introducing new innovations into their services. The latest innovations in the field of web services include the concept of service oriented architecture and composite services. Service Oriented Architecture provides the principles that mak... ... middle of paper ... ...s”, International Workshop on Systems Development in SOA Environments (SDSOA'07) 0-7695-2960-7/07 © 2007 IEEE Anton Michlmayr, Florian Rosenberg, Christian Platzer, Martin Treiber and Schahram Dustdar, “Towards Recovering the Broken SOA Triangle – A Software Engineering Perspective”, IW-SOSWE ’07, September 3, 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia Copyright 2007 ACM ISBN 978-1-59593-723-0/07/09 Matthias Galster, Eva Bucherer, “A Taxonomy for Identifying and Specifying Non-functional Requirements in Service-oriented Development”, 2008 IEEE Congress on Services 2008 - Part I . 978-0-7695-3286-8/08 2008 IEEE. Valeria Cardellini, Emiliano Casalicchio, Vincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, “A Testing model for Optimal Service Selection in Broker-based Architectures with Multiple QoS Classes”, Proceedings of the IEEE Services Computing Workshops (SCW'06) 0-7695-2681-0/06 2006 IEEE.

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