Nasopharynx Essay

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Nasopharynx is located at the top of the pharynx, posterior to the nose and above the soft palate. The nasopharynx is lined by a thin layer of respiratory epithelium and most nasopharyngeal carcinoma arises from these cells, that are large polygonal cells with a syncytial composition. The nasopharynx is a part of the pharynx together with the oropharynx and hypopharynx. The main function of the nasopharynx is respiration as it connects the nose to the rest of the pharynx (Marieb & Hoehn, 2007). This structure allows air to flow into the lungs and thereby if it’s primary function is disturbed, the clinical manifestation that would be seen would involve respiration. In this patient, what is most relevant social history is patient smoking history in relation to her nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Other structures that are involved and were mainly effected in this assignment’s patient is the cervical lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped masses that allows the storage of lymphocytes, and filter the lymph fluid for pathogens and malignant cells (Marieb & Hoehn, 2007). Another structure in the nasopharynx are the cranial nerves. They control swallowing, vision, hearing, eye movement, and such would have to be given more attention when exploring …show more content…

I came into this course with a lot of questions in regards to pathology, as well as patient care and how medical practitioners are affected emotionally by it. It was difficult hearing how patients are being diagnosed with cancer and even worse when they are told that they have a short time to live. I once heard in a hospital meeting, that an oncologist sees death every day and that nullifies the pain of losing a patient. I learned that this isn’t true. It is the emotional bond with a patient that helps medical practitioner value life and provide the best quality of life they

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