What Are The Importance Of Business Ethics

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The study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. That is the definition of business ethics and in the world today it is getting harder to find, it seems everyday on the news there is a story about a large corporation taking millions if not billions of peoples money. Why do people do this is it for the money, the power, the control, or enjoyment. To analyze a business one should start at the top on with the manager or owner. Is that person ethical, do they do good things in their community and try to help others, or do they want power or money, willing to sell out, they even could think they are above the law that it does not apply to them. A company with an ownership that is willing to do anything to get to the top even cheats and thinks they can get away with …show more content…

It’s easy to cut corners to save money or to meet a deadline. If a business can save money it will increase the bottom line profit that is a good thing. Most managers are paid bonuses if they are able to increase the bottom line profit. It would be very hard to turn down the opportunity to make more money for yourself and the business. The question to ask is, is it ethical? Will anyone be hurt or lose their job because of my decision? There are different degree of poor ethical business. ENRON stole money from all of their employees and investors. It changed the way that stock market operates today. Is cheating on your time card or not helping a passed customer a warranty? Whether large or small ethical decisions are very important in business it is away to develop way for them to be handled. With good decisions comes good reputation, and is how repeat customers are earned. If a business has poor ethical behavior law should punish them. With fines or closing of the

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