A Software Architecture Perspective

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A cloud based system and its architecture has a significant paradigm shift in software architectures; definitely there are differences in technology, interaction and resource allocation with similar business goals but more so ever the biggest shift is in the contextual properties of cloud based system architecture.
To illustrate the significant differences consider the contextual properties of a general system architecture and cloud based system. [2]
A. General Software Architecture.
A general software architecture intuitively denotes the higher level details about components in a system. Figure 3 shows the architecture of a travel management system; as described by M. Shaw et.al [3] software architecture can be modeled using Component, Connectors and Architectural Styles.
1) Components
Set of defined units that usually performs an operation. It can be active units like humans or agents or passive ones like storage or channel or even computational units like modules, processes, filters etc. It usually has well defined interfaces for in/out data and control flow.
2) Connectors
Define the dataflow and interactions between components, like shared variables, read/write access controls, communication channels and their protocols.
3) Architectural Patterns and Styles
An architectural pattern is a collection of architectural design decisions that are applicable to a recurring design problem, they are generalized for different software development contexts in which that problem appears [4]. Styles and Patterns are chosen based on the context and requirements for the system, they will have typical communication, coordination, and interaction between components. Figure 3 shows a Fundamental Modeli...

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[11] Wikipedia - Cloud Computing.

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