Samurai Movie Analysis

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A small peasant farm village has been attacked by bandits for some time. During this time period, farmers are mostly poor and have no experience in any type of martial arts. Since they cannot protect themselves, they went to the village elder, a wise old man who has live for quite some time. The whole village when to him for same advice on how to protect themselves from the bandits. The elder’s advice was to go find some hungry samurai because all they had to offer was food. Four men from the village went out to seek some hungry samurai, at first they were not very successful, but eventually they were able to gather six samurai and with one young samurai who does not have as much fighting experience as the other six. One of the six older samurai was born a farmer, but for the longest time he has always wanted to be a samurai, so he lies and says he was born into a samurai family. When the samurai return to the village, everyone immediately gets to work, the samurai teach the men how to defend themselves and slowly begin to prepare the village for an attack. After days of preparation and waiting, finally the time came when the bandits …show more content…

For me, it was a little cheesy with the love story going along with it, but still, the love story gave the movie another story to think about. I would have liked to see more action, like samurai versus samurai, a one on one between the leader of the bandits and one of the seven samurai. Those are my favorite types of movies, having really good fighting scenes. And as for the love story, I would have liked for Shino and Katsushirō to stay together. Although a farmer and a samurai could not be together, they already “broke” the rules by just having feelings for each other. Also, I do not think that bending the rules would hurt anyone, but sadly they could not end up being together, no matter how much they love each

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