A Revolutionary Technology: Cloning

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The genetic engineering of animals has been done the whole last century, however applying it to humans is a controversial debate - how beneficial would cloning really be to humanity?

The general idea of clones may bring to mind an image of two symmetrical organisms. Nevertheless the identical features would only consist in the corresponding nuclear genes. On the fifth of July of 1997 Cloning had its turning point. The announcement by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and his colleagues revolutionized medical-and-scientific history. At the Roslin Institute in Midlothian in Scotland the team succeeded in giving birth to a cloned sheep named Dolly. The process for this achievement is called “somatic cell nuclear transfer” (SCNT). This type of cloning is called reproductive cloning. It is used to generate an organism that has the same DNA as another organism. The medical procedure starts with the enucleation of a donor egg. A Cell of the organism that is supposed to be cloned is collected and placed in the donor egg. The fusion is made by chemicals or electric current in order to stimulate it, so it can develop itself into an embryo. After reaching a specific stage it is transferred to the uterus of a female host where it can develop through birth. For the creation of Dolly it took 277 embryos, for achieving the embryogenesis (development phase of embryo). While scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep, many think it is just a matter of time before trying to clone humans. Therefore many celebrities have started copyrighting their cells afraid someone could create a being identical to them. But does this truly mean humans could start to copy any person in the world? What would the consequences of genetic manipulation be?

Human Clon...

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...on D. Levine

“The ethics of human cloning”

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Livejournal “Independent Minds on Panayiotis Zavos”

Available online URL: http://www.livejournal.com/integration/independent/

U.S. Department of Energy Genome Programs. “Cloning”

Available online URL: http://genomics.energy.gov

University of Utah, Genetic Science Learning Center. “Learn Genetics.” Available online URL: http://learn.genetics.utah

“Molecular therapeutics: 21st-century medicine”

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AMA American Medical Association “Human Cloning.” Available online URL: http://www.ama-assn.org/

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