Teenage Motherhood Essay

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Methodology This qualitative phenomenological study (Creswell & Creswell, 2007) will demonstrate the simultaneous experience of teenage mothers through both college and motherhood. Qualitative phenomenological studies demonstrate the lived experiences of the participants through their perspective (Creswell & Creswell, 2007). The paradigm utilized in this study is constructivism. Constructivism is a way to understand different meanings on a certain situation or phenomenon (Mertens, 2005). This study will be conducted through in-depth interviews, a focus group, observations, and reflections. Once I get all the data, I will organize the data into themes and patterns relevant to the research (Lester, 1999). Finally, I will establish trustworthiness …show more content…

Although teenage motherhood is a common phenomenon, teenage mothers in higher education is not as common or expected in society. Teenage mothers do not have the same outcomes or the same support system, especially while in higher education. Although all the participants identify as a both teenage mothers and college students, every participant has had a different outcome and perspective of teenage motherhood and as a college student. Through this research, I will seek to represent unique, holistic perspectives of teenage motherhood. Holistic perspectives that are not commonly represented within literature or society. Constructivism is also effective for this study because it is important for the participants to be represented through their perspective with no researcher bias or other bias. The participants, teenage mothers in higher education, are often not truly represented within quantitative or other forms of qualitative studies. Often they are not even represented within research. I plan to eliminate this negative bias against all teenage mothers. Teenage mothers deserve to be seen through their accomplishments and other successes, not just on the fact that they are negatively labeled as teenage mothers in

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