Nutrition Case Study

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PART ONE: READ over the case studies and CHOOSE ONE Case Study Two: You are working at a Boys and Girls club and one of the staff has requested that you work with a family who has come to them requesting assistance in improving their nutritional habits. The family is willing to meet with you for 30 minutes four separate occasions to meet with you when they come to pick up their daughter who is overweight. The family is on a limited income and parents are both working two jobs to try to make enough to live. What would you do to support this family? 1 OUTLINE at least three additional details to the story to provide enough detail for me to understand your audience • My audience is a family who want to improve their nutritional habits. Maybe Maybe it confirms that the nutritional habits in their family have lots of problems, so my audience wants to change this situation. • This family 's income is limited, and their economic level also is not high. It also means that they do not hope to spend a lot of money on improving their nutritional habits. • The parents in this family are extremely busy, and each of them has two jobs two jobs to earn money. Perhaps the busy work brings them a lot of pressure, and lead to their irregular lifestyle. 2 IDENTIFY at least three primary issues • Psychological/ Emotional pressure: In fact, this family has limited income, and parents both need to work two jobs to support the family. It means that they certainly have a lot of mental pressure. And their emotional wellness is unhealthy. • Financial pressure: Each of the parents needs to work two jobs to live. It expresses that this family has a serious financial pressure. • Children obesity: The daughter in this family is overweight, so they have the issue of children obesity. 3 Write TWO Learning Outcomes- they must be written according to the criteria outlined • I hope that my audience will classify the unhealthy food, and reduce the unhealthy foods intake after the first two To address this issue, I will analyze their nutritional habits have which questions after I contrast the ideal nutritional habits. And then, I will tell them they need to correct which parts of habits through the conversation. 5 DESCRIBE an evaluation tool you could use to measure whether or not your Learning Outcomes are met I would use the dietary table as the evaluation tool. This table would records their daily diet and daily intake of nutrients, such as protein, calcium, and fiber. In this way, I can observe the food 's changes in the chart, and then learn about whether my audience 's eating habits have not changed, and whether their nutritional habits have raised. In general, it shows whether my audience still continues to eat unhealthy food after conversation. And I would administer this tool through read it and give my audience reflection every week. 6 IDENTIFY one way in which you believe these outcomes will impact the family If my audience has a good diet, they do not eat unhealthy food after conversation, and they also do not feel they have lots of pressure, then their lives will certainly be full of pleasant and relaxing. Whether their mental and physical wellness will be very

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